Bridge, Digital Manufacturing Software Solution


Solution Papers

Solution Paper #1

Prototype Manufacturing and Small Series Production

An End-to-End Solution for Prototype Manufacturing And Small Series Production

Bridge provides a comprehensive digital platform that enhances every stage of prototype and small-batch manufacturing processes, from process formalization to production inspection and continuous improvement.

  • Process Formalization
  • Release Management
  • Production & Inspection
  • Improvement & Industrialization

Case Studies

Case Study #1

Expedited Deployment to Site Digitalization

How a Global Automotive Supplier deployed 35 Sites per Annum on the Bridge platform.

Context: A leading global Tier One automotive supplier, with a network of over 150 production facilities across 25 countries, engaged in the manufacture of a wide range of vehicle components, including electronic, electrical, and mechanical parts.

Challenges: Despite the implementation of advanced automation, robotics, process control, and MES (Manufacturing Execution System) across all sites, the client encountered two critical issues…

Case Study #2

Expedited Implementation of Pilot Site within weeks

How a global mobility company were able to expedite digitalization and implement their first site on the Bridge platform within weeks.

Context: A prominent global mobility company engaged in the production of various power components across Europe, the Americas, and Asia.

Challenges: Despite having established a robust foundation for manufacturing control through modern automation, robotics, process control, and MES (Manufacturing Execution System) across all sites, the client faced two critical issues..

Bridge News

News Post | 2023-11-15

Happy to annouce that our Polish team has moved to a new office in Krakow. Visit us anytime.